UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Brain Health Academy Enrollment is Now Open, Hearing Loss Session, Featuring Dr. Frank Lin Launches July 19th
UsAgainstAlheimer’s Brain Health Academy webinar series features an ADA-sponsored course, to be delivered by Dr. Frank Lin, which will be held on July 19, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern. Several studies have demonstrated that individuals with hearing loss are at a higher risk of developing dementia and other cognitive impairments.
Hosted virtually, the Brain Health Academy is designed to help health care providers and wellness professionals understand the connection between lifestyle interventions and brain health, and to provide them with the knowledge and resources to help people reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s and related dementias.
“People need to know that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging and that there are things every single one of us can do to reduce our risk of developing the disease. Health and wellness professionals play a vital role in spreading the word and encouraging people to take action – the Brain Health Academy is there to help them do that,” said George Vradenburg, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s chair and co-founder. “The courses were developed in collaboration with leading experts in the field and are based on the latest research on potential risk factors for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. We are incredibly grateful to the partners who are working with us on this lifechanging project.”
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Brain Health Academy partners include the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, American Academy of Audiology, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society on Aging, AARP, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Heart Association, American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Eisai, Humana, Physical Activity Alliance, Tivity Health, and USAging.
Those interested in learning more or registering should visit https://www.usagainstalzheimers.org/hearing-and-dementia