ADA Board of Directors Election Results: Drs. Leyendecker and Huch Elected to Serve
The Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) is pleased to announce that Jason Leyendecker, Au.D. has been elected to serve as ADA’s president-elect for the 2023 program year.
Jason Leyendecker, Au.D.
Dr. Leyendecker is the owner of a private practice in Minnesota with seven locations, including metro and rural locations, and a tinnitus clinic. He serves as a volunteer for several audiology associations and currently serves as the President of the Minnesota Academy of Audiology and Secretary of the Minnesota Sight and Hearing Association. Dr. Leyendecker earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead and an Au.D. from A.T. Still University.
Judy Huch, Au.D., has been elected to serve as a director-at-large on the ADA Board of Directors. Dr. Judy Huch owns a private practice in Tucson, Arizona. She currently serves on the ADA Advocacy and Public Policy Committee. She was awarded membership in the National Academy of Practitioners and is a current Board Member for Entheos Audiology Cooperative. Her other awards include a fellowship with the Op-ed Project in 2017, Humanitarian of the Year from A.T. Still University Alumni in 2019, Woman of Influence for Community Service in Tucson and Woman of Impact of Southern AZ, both in 2019, The Leo Doerfler Award from ADA for outstanding clinical services within her community in 2021, Non-profit of the Year (Grace Hearing Center) in 2021 with the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce and BBB Torch Award for Ethics for small non-profit in 2022. She holds an Au.D. from A.T. Still University.
Dr. Huch lives in Tucson AZ with her architect husband (who builds a mean sound booth). She is enjoying time as an “empty nester” as she celebrates watching her sons, one as a U.S. Marine and one crushing it at college in NY, grow into fantastic young men.
Judy Huch, Au.D.
Drs. Leyendecker and Huch will begin their terms on January 1, 2023. Continuing in service on the ADA Board of Directors will be Drs. Kristin Davis (Immediate Past President), Dawn Heiman (President), along with Drs. Amyn Amlani, Audra Branham, and Liz Rogers. Ending their terms on the ADA Board of Directors are Drs. Victor Bray and Stephanie Sjoblad. ADA is grateful for their service.